Monday, March 12, 2012

Allow Myself to Introduce...Myself

Although I have been writing for over 20 years, I FINALLY decided to try blogging.  I had a friend tell me once that I should blog because I was going through a particular difficult time in my life.  That was almost 5 years ago.  Now I have finally taken the plunge.

 I am a 33 year old professional mother of a challengingly fantastic 10 year old girl.  Originally from Baltimore, I am a proud resident of Portsmouth, VA.

A lifelong learner, I am a graduate of the "Castle on the Hill", Baltimore City College High School.  I hold a Bachelor's degree in English and Master's in City and Regional Planning from Morgan State University in Baltimore (GO BEARS!!!).

I first became a nerd when I was in elementary school.  I always knew that I was different as I preferred reading and writing poetry and short stories to playing sports and Nintendo.  I was teased mercilessly in middle school because I wore big glasses, was pigeon toed and didn't wear the latest fashions.  I received a birthday card for my 13th birthday that read, "Look out, here comes the nerd!"  I spent many nights crying and wondering why I was singled out for being smart.  My grades even slipped because of it.

It wasn't until I went to high school that I embraced my nerdiness.  My high school was a citywide magnet school and only accepted the best and brightest in the City.  So in essence, we were all nerds but just at different degrees. 

Now as an adult, I find that being a nerd is fantastic.  I am the one who fields calls from family and friends when they need information on some current event or they need to decipher the meaning of a word.  My daughter swears I know everything and frequently tries to stump me with her questions.  My nerdiness enabled me to get good grades which led to getting a well paying job. 

Being a nerd rocks!  Being a Black Nerd is infinitely better!


  1. Inspiring! You def make being a black nerd rock!

    1. Yay! That is definitely my intention. Thanks for reading!
